Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Veronika decide de mourir", Paulo Coelho (Veronika decides to die)

I haven't read any English book yet because it takes me so much time, and for the moment it's too difficult for me... But I have to post something about a book, so I'm going to write something about one of my favorite books: "Veronika decide de mourir". This is the French title, when you translate it it's something like "Veronika decides to die". I want to tell you about this book because it helped me a lot to get through hard times, so if I can help whoever wants to read it, I'll be glad to.

The basic topic is not very difficult and kind of common: it's about a young woman who tries to kill herself taking pills without any success because someone finds her the moment she was about to die. Then she goes to a psychiatric hospital and the doctor tells her she only has 8 days left to live. The whole novel is about how Veronika spends her last days, how she feels...

This book really touched me because it made me realize how much life is important. I know this is not the most original thing you've ever heard, but it makes you feel how much you have to enjoy every day, and experience a lot of things. I learned more about myself, I realized that I could be mean to people I love, and complain a lot about stupid things. It's just a waste of a precious time.

I've read a lot of Paulo Coelho's novels; they are all good, but this one is just wonderful. Though I don't know many things about him, but what I can say, reading his books, is that he's kind of philosophic. He likes to make people think about difficult and abstract topics. I think he went through a lot of pain and has seen many different things; now he tries to open people's minds, as he did himself during his life.

What I am about to say sounds utopic, but it was such an experience to me, and everybody should just enjoy everyday as if it was the last. I mean you don't know what can happen tomorrow, death is close to everyone and could catch you at anytime. Don't waste your time trying to fix stupid things, embrass and take advantages of daily joys.


rmasseyohs said...

Wow. This sounds like an amazing book. I also agree with your feelings on living every day like it's your last. I'm glad this book has helped you get through tough times. Only if I could get it in English... haha. This was a very good first post, Justine! It's nice to see you trying hard and succeeding. I wish you good luck on future posts. :)

Shelby Leonhard said...

This is my favorite post so far!!
This book sounds like a very meaningful book that connects with the real world. I agree with your theory of making the time you have great, because you don't know what tomorrow will bring. Reading something like this really makes me appreciate the time I have!
Your first post was definitely a great success!!!

KinseyB said...

Uh-mazing! Sounds like a super interesting book, and you shouldn't worry so much with your English. You're doing great and getting better everyday!